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Echo of Nature -- Exhibition of Works Jointly Created by Adults and Children



In an era marked by an extremely high material standard of living, commercial acts permeate every activity of daily life at any time. Convenience, speed, and easy access have seemingly become part of city dwellers' living habits. As such, jargons like 'green' (or 'environmental protection') have been turned into ad symbols and even buzzwords in abusive use. This leads to the overlook of those elements worth exploring.


For the Exhibition of Works Jointly Created by Adults and Children, which is part of Ox Warehouse Summer Program 2011, we have invited a group of creative persons to coordinate with children's fancies and explore together how to apply green concepts to creation. All participants' presentation will be fused into the group creative work as much as possible. And even though the materials frames chosen by all seem ice-cold, they are firm and strong and can be used repeatedly on different occasions. Oh, it's just as wonderful as the fantastic natural arrangements outside the city!


唐嘉罠 Carmen Tong、蔣志儉Brian Cheong、余韶湘 U Sio Seong、梁妍慧Vanessa Leong、肖雅雯Xiao Ya Wen、戴碧筠Tai Pek Kuan 、青洲小學學生 Escola Ilha Verde Students、陳瑞祺永援中學 Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College Students、牛房倉庫兒童藝術工作坊小朋友Participants of Ox Warehouse Children Art Workshop 

策展人:李銳奮 Frank Lei

開幕Opening ceremony:17/09/2011 (星期六 Saturday),16:00
展期Exhibition period:17/09/2011- 30/10/2011(逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesday)
展覽時間 Exhibition time:12:00-19:00 

地點Venue:牛房倉庫Ox warehouse,澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬​路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau 
免費入場 Free Admission 

主辦 organization:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
贊助 sponsors:澳門特別行政區政府文化局ICM、澳​門民政總署IACM、澳門霍英東基金會 FUNDAÇÃO HENRY MACAU
查詢For enquiry:28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, Closed on Tuesdays)


Xiong Liang 《Theatre on Paper》Picture Book Exhibition





With a pen and a piece of paper, and all alone, I can stage a whole theatre on paper.

Picture book is your own thought, without any influence from other people’s procedures or experiences. And the only way to make it work is to sort yourself through, to see your thought clearer as well as your own voice, image and language composition.

There are always different ways to get to the truth, as everybody’s real language of thought and conceptual pictures in his/her mind are unique and different from others.

策展人 Curator :李銳俊 J Lei

陳怡如《"1+1+1...=1" ---- 25個孩子和我的共同創作》繪本展覽

Chan Yi Ru 《"1+1+1...=1" -- a Joint Creation by 25 Children and Me》: Original Picture Books Exhibition


Children can't paint like adults and likewise adults can’t draw like children.

Through this exhibition, I combine my own works with 25 children’s drawings, presenting in a spectacular way, to recall the little things throughout children’s growing up.

策展人:李銳俊 J Lei


繪本X音樂 Picture Book X Music ( Live)

繪本帶來心靈觸動,延伸了另一個作品-- 本地音樂創作人李慧芬看了熊亮的作品後, 引發了創作音樂的靈感 , 這個新作品將於開幕現場演奏 !   









參展藝術家講座  Participated Artists Sharing 


今年兒童展以不同的藝術形式進行兒童創作的展示,本地藝術家結合小朋友的創作以裝置藝術展示他們的作品、台北和北京的嘉賓則是資深的繪本作者,而兩位作者也有著迴異的繪本風格及不同的創作形式,到底對藝術家們來說,是如何著手進行這些給兒童看的作品的? 他們各自的創作歷程、風格和美學取向又是如何? 藝術家們想給現在的兒童看些什麼? 感受些什麼 ?


日期 Time:2011年9月17 日  PM 5:00 – 6:00

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