2007 夏日兒童藝術樂園
Children’s Arts Playground 2007
My Free Life
澳門每日……每日 ……在轉 ……在變…… 發展…… ,每個人都在為建設自己理想的生活而努力,小朋友也不例外,他們眼中的和想像的生活環境又是一個什麼模樣?
Macau is everyday...... everyday...... changing......developing......and everyone is striving hard for their lives, including children. What is their ideal living environment? Under the theme of "My Free Life", this year's Children's Summer Arts Playground will be composed of children creative exhibition and mini-family theatre. Children's perspectives on life will be expressed through different art media creations; while a mini-family theatre, "Oxware House's storage" will be showcased, unlocking every parent and children's memory storage through human and puppet interactions. Boys and girls, get ready to bring your friends and families to experience your free life at Oxware House!
開幕日期 / Opening:26 / 08 / 2007 16:30
地點 / Location:牛房倉庫 / Oxwarehouse
主辦 / Organizer:婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space
贊助 / Sponsor:民政總署、文化局 / IACM, Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E. de Macau
工作坊合辦 / Co-organized Workshop:教育暨青年局 / Direcção o dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude